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Letter: Farewell Bill From Your Labour Comrades

Published on: 31 Oct, 2017
Updated on: 31 Oct, 2017

Bill Bellerby

From Brian Creese

Spokesperson of the Guildford Labour Party

The Guildford Labour Party would like to thank Guildford Borough Council, Rev. Robert Cotton, the choir and staff at Holy Trinity church for organising Bill’s excellent memorial service.

We would also like to thank Emily Thornberry MP, David Watts and Bill’s nephew, Andrew Keener for the very moving tributes to Bill.

George Dokimakis, chair of the Guildford Labour Party said: “It was a very moving and emotional tribute to Bill. It was great to hear about all the different facets of his life, his abundant energy and his dedication to the Labour party, Guildford and its residents.

“We all miss him and it is unlikely we will see the likes of Bill and Doreen ever again.

“As Emily Thornberry and others have said, Bill was indeed the best MP Guildford never had.”

Farewell Bill.

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