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Letter: First Time House Buyers Should Be Given Priority

Published on: 18 Jan, 2013
Updated on: 18 Jan, 2013

House Sales LetterFrom Bernard Parke

Hon Alderman

The family home is the foundation of a successful married life.

Without it relationships are put under strain which in turn leads to divorce.

Back in the fifties and sixties young married couples were given priority when applying for mortgages.

To-day absentee buy-to-let landlords are given encouragement to invest in property which in turn forces up the price of what is known as affordable houses.

Surely an answer would be to cut back on this kind of speculation and introduce a scheme to favour first time buyers.

Back then the rent act helped to keep house prices low.

Building on the Green Belt is not the answer and will lead to our country becoming a concrete jungle.

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