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Letter: Forget The Referendum – Enjoy A ‘Seaside’ Extravaganza

Published on: 2 Jul, 2016
Updated on: 2 Jul, 2016

Seaside Extravaganza The SpikeFrom Gina Redpath

Forget about the Referendum for a while and come along to the Seaside Extravaganza at the Spike in Warren Road.

Here prisoners and war victims of almost every nationality were given free nursing care until well after each World War and that is before well before the NHS was around.

So, next Sunday July 10 2016, between 1-6pm we have a celebration.

Attractions include:

Pop Up Pig and Tater Pub & BBQ; Donkey Rides; Punch and Judy; Coconut shy; High Striker Bingo…

And on the stage:
Rocking Crescendos; Charley Farley; String Bandits and heaps more…

Plus a Victorian Tea Room.

There will be lots happening so come along and let your hair down.

What is it that makes Britain the envy of the world? It’s all of us!

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