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Letter: Forgive Me for Celebrating the North Street News

Published on: 18 Jan, 2019
Updated on: 18 Jan, 2019

North Street

From Colin Cross

In response to: North Street Plans Change To ‘Primarily Residential’ Due To Retail Problems

It was over four years ago that I sat in my first council meeting as a naive, solitary new councillor, fresh from an unexpected by-election victory in Lovelace. I had not prepared myself to speak publicly in the chamber in a maiden speech that night .

But when the Tories and the opposition both launched into a love fest celebrating the joys that would befall us by a massive town centre retail expansion, I had to object.

The looks, followed by rebukes, that I received stay with me now and it was made clear that I was to cease my resistance immediately or suffer a fate worse than death.

I, to my shame, was silenced but since I have always worked and sought for a better, more user-friendly town with affordable homes rather than expensive, unwanted shops.

So forgive me for celebrating this announcement but it vindicates that urge to object.

Colin Cross is the Independent borough councillor for Lovelace (Ripley, Wisley and Ockham).

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