Fringe Box



Letter: GBC’s MD Has Lost the Plot

Published on: 10 Apr, 2019
Updated on: 10 Apr, 2019

From Colin Cross

Independent candidate for Lovelace (Ripley, Wisley and Ockham)

In response to: I Am Being Impartial

James Whiteman, the managing director of GBC has obviously lost the plot here.

His assertion that this is purely about whether or not to adopt the Local Plan misses the point entirely.

This whole issue of the Local Plan has been politically charged for years now and unless you’ve been on the planet Zog for a millennium you must know that.

It’s all really totally clear; if an issue is politically sensitive then in a period of “purdah” you shelve it. Any attempt to dress this up as a routine bit of GBC business is doomed.

GBC now risks a vote on the Local Plan being invalidated by an inevitable legal challenge to which the defence is paper thin and may evaporate by the May 2 election.

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Responses to Letter: GBC’s MD Has Lost the Plot

  1. Robert Shatwell Reply

    April 11, 2019 at 9:37 am

    Are all Conservative-controlled local authorities as devious as Guildford and Woking? Keeping the truth from the residents and burying details in the hope that that the residents will decompose and they can then slip contentious matter through under the radar seems to be a common practice.

    An independent planning inspector declared the [previous] Wisley Airfield proposal as being unsound yet the Conservative-dominated local authority twists it and sits on it long enough to bore the pants off most residents so they lose the will to fight.

    Mrs May has done exactly the same with the EU matter.

    There is only one answer to use our votes on May 2.

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