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Letter: I Expect All Climate Protesters To Eschew Technology

Published on: 20 Sep, 2019
Updated on: 20 Sep, 2019

Photo – Mandy Millyard

John Armstrong

In response to: Guildford Joins World’s Millions To Protest and Demand Action Now On Climate Change

So Extinction Rebellion is at it again, filling youngsters heads with extremist ideas. It’s strange that they have fixed so heavily on CO2 and austere lifestyles when they could be re-greening the desert.

We could get behind them on such resurrection projects. Apparently, all you have to do is stop your sheep and goats grazing freely, pen them up, and up come the plants. But I suppose educating the goat herd doesn’t quite cut it at the anti-capitalist party.

Given all the fuss they are making, I expect all those present at these demos never to fly again, to walk home, throw out their TV, radio, mobile, tablet, go vegan, instruct their children never to have children and the for children taking part to castigate their parents for having had children in the first place and not setting a good example.

Disappointed to see MP Anne Milton there.

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Responses to Letter: I Expect All Climate Protesters To Eschew Technology

  1. Mike Nicholson Reply

    September 21, 2019 at 3:51 pm

    Well said. We seem to have lost our sense of balance in all debates.

  2. Jim Allen Reply

    September 21, 2019 at 5:02 pm

    Some examples of climate change: in 1994 Nenanah river escarpment was covered in silver birch there were none there in 1923; the Columbus glacier is now 10 miles further up the fiord (check Google Earth).

    Warming is happening and it has been for many years – the question is why? I do not believe anyone can give a definitive answer, one volcano eruption equates to 50 thousand flights and a million car journeys – 50 cows equates to 40 buffalo CO2 output…. all meaningless actual numbers –

    If we all took the Australian aboriginal approach taking what we need, not what we want perhaps life would be less fraught and less stressful but would it solve this climate change? Who knows?

  3. Andrew Eacott Reply

    September 21, 2019 at 7:36 pm

    Thanks to John Armstrong for calling it like it is. How dare these children express an opinion about the future of their planet?

  4. Robert Burch Reply

    September 23, 2019 at 3:54 pm

    We don’t have to eschew technology to make a difference, just be informed and think carefully about the consequences before acting. I thoroughly recommend reading Mike Berners-Lee’s book “There is no Planet B”. It outlines the situation very clearly, gives practical advice and above all recognises that we can all make choices according to our own conscience.

    Perhaps John Armstrong could reply to my questions on his earlier letter:

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