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Letter: I Hope Cllr Christiansen Stands As An Independent

Published on: 22 Feb, 2019
Updated on: 22 Feb, 2019

Cllrs Paul Spooner and Nils Christiansen

From Julian Lyon

In response to: ‘Your Administration is Unaccountable’ Says Resigning Tory to Council Leader

I would like to thank Nils Christiansen for being such a fine and honourable councillor. Conscientious and pragmatic, diligent and incisive, precisely what the council needs more of.

Unsurprising that a principled position has led Nils to leave the Conservative Party over Brexit. Unsurprising if Nils has turned his back on the toxic Guildford Conservative Association which has directed, caused and/or overseen the deselection of some good independent-minded councillors, has, in the past, incompetently failed to register its county council candidate for Shalford division and now has failed to sanction one of its Shalford borough councillors when he has been absent from most, if not all, participation since May last year.

I do really hope Nils considers standing as an Independent candidate because he has been an effective voice of common sense in what often seems like an irrational dictatorship.

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