Fringe Box



Letter: I Know Sutton Place – From the River

Published on: 3 Apr, 2019
Updated on: 3 Apr, 2019

A closer view of Sutton Place.

From Ken Geddes

In response to: Richest Man In UK Has a Guildford Home With A View, Of Sorts!

I know Sutton Place well – from the river.

I used to help run the Arcturus trip-boat (a narrow boat) down the Wey from Guildford and we turned back at the lock across from Sutton Place.

The most difficult job was, however, getting a renewed MOT, which meant that we had to take the boat to Rickmansworth in November when the Thames was in flood.

After a few brushes with sandbanks in the Wey, the biggest problem was to get the boat safely into the Thames. There was a flood stream coming from the lock and to try to cross this directly would risk capsize or being swept into the whirlpool where the water from the weir hit the bank opposite.

Full throttle, turning upstream into the flood, fighting it and edging across until we were able to turn safely downstream. Cigars all round!

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