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Letter: Improvements to Two Road Junctions Are Approved

Published on: 2 Feb, 2013
Updated on: 2 Feb, 2013

From Keith Witham

County councillor for Jacobs Well

emailsMy predecessor as county councillor for Jacobs Well, the late Mike Nevins, presented a petition to Surrey County Council signed by 429 local residents, saying:  “We the undersigned request Surrey County Council to make a full Highways Safety Assessment of Jacobs Well village, in particular Clay Lane and Jacobs Well Road which carry a large volume of traffic  accessing the A3 and Slyfield Estate. Excessive speeds, accident levels and pedestrian safety are top of our list of concerns, which must be addressed.”

It falls to me, as your county councillor now, to pursue these concerns and get action for the residents of Jacobs Well.

I am therefore pleased to report that at the latest meeting of Surrey County Council’s Guildford Local Committee it was agreed to develop two junction improvement schemes in Jacobs Well this year, with a view to construction next year.

The two junctions are Clay Lane with Jacobs Well Road, and the junction of Jacobs Well Road with Woking Road. The Highways Design Team will now survey these two areas and work out specific proposals for changing those junctions. After public consultation I hope that these two junctions will be improved next year. I will of course keep residents informed of progress.

There are only three road safety investigations of this type that have been approved for the whole of the Guildford area this year, of which two are in Jacobs Well. I have been pressing for Jacobs Well to get a fair share of attention by the Highways Authority,and hope the above will be welcomed by local residents.

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