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Letter: Integrated Public Transport Has Always Proved Elusive

Published on: 6 Jan, 2017
Updated on: 6 Jan, 2017

From David Wragg

Integrated public transport has always proved elusive in the UK, even when the railways and most of the rural and interurban bus operators were nationalised. There is even a case for saying that there was more integration before nationalisation, as many railway companies operated their own feeder road services.

Legislation enacted in 1929 allowed the railway companies to buy bus companies and road haulage businesses, and many took a stake in bus companies by handing over their own feeder bus services.

Guildford is typical of many towns and cities with the railway station not actually in the town centre. Ideally, buses that run past the railway station should continue to the bus station, while those running into town from the opposite direction should continue to the railway station and terminate there.

Cost is a factor, but the essentials for a bus station are that it should be safe and provide shelter, while also providing the necessary facilities that passengers and drivers need.It is also important that it is close to shops or other transport facilities.

Putting a new bus station on the edge of Guildford would be ridiculous and a scandalous waste of money and opportunity. If the council can’t do any better, it should leave the bus station where it is at present.

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Responses to Letter: Integrated Public Transport Has Always Proved Elusive

  1. John Lomas Reply

    January 6, 2017 at 2:58 pm

    Something I have mentioned before to David Rose is that I am sure that back in the late ’40s or early ’50s there was a combined timetable book for Guildford which had Train and the various bus companies timetables all in one publication.

    David told me he doesn’t remember these, so I wonder if anyone else does?

  2. David Wragg Reply

    January 7, 2017 at 1:15 pm

    I don’t remember anything from Guildford from that time, but the council did produce a timetable booklet, probably in the late nineties or early naughties, that covered road and rail transport. I may have it hidden somewhere as I seldom throw away old timetables.

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