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Letter: Is it Onslow or the University Ward?

Published on: 23 Oct, 2012
Updated on: 23 Oct, 2012

From Bernard Parke

Hon. Alderman

Some years ago when I was Mayor the number of electors registered to vote in the students halls was approximately 1600. Now it is over 2700.

Currently these electors appear on the Onslow Ward register, but this figure does not take account of students scattered across the Borough in private rented properties.

Commonwealth and European personnel are permitted to vote in both general elections and local elections, but surely the question should be asked why?

These people are merely visitors to the country who have no long term interests in either local or National affairs. The Borough even has to provide two polling stations just for their use.

In local elections the Onslow Ward bears this figure of 2700 voters which could have a considerable effect on the residents wishes in in that part of our Borough. Perhaps now is the time for a new university ward to be formed to give the University and it students an opportunity to express their own views on Borough policies?

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