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Letter: It Is Sad To See Our Cultural Heritage Squandered

Published on: 14 Jul, 2015
Updated on: 14 Jul, 2015

Guildford Museum 02From Penny Panman

When Matthew Alexander was curator at Guildford Museum some years ago he, and the museum, were constantly in the local press and very much part of the cultural community.

Recently the current management has allowed the museum to sink into obscurity and I am not at all surprised if visitor numbers have dropped.

Castle Arch is a charming old building and one of the very few buildings in Guildford of any historical interest.  With imagination and commitment it could be incorporated in the castle tourist trail, but it looks as though imagination and commitment are scare commodities in Guildford Borough Council.

If the Surrey Archaeological Society and its collection are now to be lost, one wonders what will become of the museum.  Is the intention to do away with it entirely, sell it to a coffee franchise or another retail opportunity in the glorified shopping mall that is the new Guildford?

It is really sad to see our cultural heritage being squandered.

See Also: Archaeological Society Given Notice to Quit

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