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Letter: Local Plan Opponents’ Arguments Are Not ‘Simplistic’

Published on: 7 Mar, 2018
Updated on: 7 Mar, 2018

From Jim Allen

In response to: Dragon Interview: Bob Hughes, Chairman of the Guildford Conservative Association

Bob Hughes says: “We will argue our case that the Local Plan protects Guildford. We will also expose the rather simplistic arguments of our opponents which are not as attractive as they may at first seem.”

I guess 40 years failing to clean sewers is too simplistic. Road capacity exceeding 2,000 vehicles per hour, per lane is too simplistic. Nitric Oxide (NOx) pollution exceeding 40mu is too simplistic. Only 40% water left in our reservoirs is too simplistic.

Perhaps he prefers the more “complicated” version: choked sewers, choked roads, disease-inducing air-quality and insufficient water supply – all in a borough that will, of course, be more suburban once the additional developments are built out, whether Bob Hughes can see it or not.

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Responses to Letter: Local Plan Opponents’ Arguments Are Not ‘Simplistic’

  1. Lisa Wright Reply

    March 7, 2018 at 5:02 pm

    Jim Allen forgot to mention the frequent power cuts and lack of doctors’ appointments.

  2. Valerie Thompson Reply

    March 7, 2018 at 5:59 pm

    Bob Hughes says the Local Plan will protect Guildford. Protect it from what?

    Should Guildford be protected from building much needed small homes and flats on brownfield sites?

    Should Guildford be protected from flats 5/6 stories high? (Let’s forget about the 10 stories high Solum disaster.)

    Should the populace try to protect Guildford from excessive retail development, proposed by GBC, when so many shops are already empty?

    Do the rural environments have to be sacrificed so that Guildford can be protected? The Local Plan certainly will not protect much of the borough when the villages are urbanised.

    Is this a simplistic view?

  3. Mike Nicholson Reply

    March 8, 2018 at 3:35 pm

    All rings a bell here as well in the fiefdom of Waverley Borough Council. There is a cavalier disregard for either infrastructure needs or the views of local people.

  4. David Roberts Reply

    March 10, 2018 at 1:34 pm

    71% of Council seats for 48% of the vote is not democracy. Roll on the next elections when we can all vote GGG and kick these invisible, ineffective and time-serving Tory councillors out.

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