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Letter: Local Taxes For Students? – Why Not Do Away With Council Tax Altogether

Published on: 5 May, 2013
Updated on: 6 May, 2013

Student Lets picFrom Bernard Parke

Hon Alderman

Let’s take students out of the argument about local taxation and look at their landlords many of whom live in distant parts, some overseas.

They are into the student market because to them it has financial attractions.

Many of this new type of landlord control many houses and in fact are running businesses from which they pay no local taxes.

To maximize this business such things as basic maintenance is cut to the bone and areas become run down. I am told in certain zones there is now an unwelcome rat problem.

Neighbouring family houses become difficult to sell and are bought up below market value for student accommodation by these very same landlords.

Most of these are affordable houses which simply become dormitories. Even if we proceed to build more affordable homes they could end up suffering the same fate.

Perhaps students themselves <em>are</em> more sinned against then sinning but if this sector of housing is excused local taxation why not all housing? Local expenditure could then be more fairly financed by the broader based central rate support base.

Council Tax is inequitable and hits disproportionately lower priced housing rather than the higher salary earners who live in larger properties.

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