Fringe Box



Letter: Maypole Tradition Upheld in Lockdown

Published on: 10 May, 2020
Updated on: 10 May, 2020

From Phil Gorton

I hope that you are all in good order and avoiding the pestilence.

For obvious reasons, Pilgrim Morris’s annual Summerpole day of dance in Guildford did not happen this year.

However, some junior members of the side felt that the day shouldn’t go unmarked so they did their bit in our back garden. The tradition is unbroken.

Very much enjoying reading The Dragon. It’s a great asset to the town.

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Responses to Letter: Maypole Tradition Upheld in Lockdown

  1. Peta Malthouse Reply

    May 10, 2020 at 6:25 pm

    Thanks to the Pilgrim Morris Men for all the joy they bring. And I loved the film.

  2. Alix Tatlow Reply

    May 12, 2020 at 6:38 pm

    Thank you Phil Gorton for cheering me up! Some fine crafting there. I love the dog best. Stay safe.

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