Fringe Box



Letter: No Wonder The Museum Is In Such A Mess

Published on: 12 Aug, 2015
Updated on: 12 Aug, 2015

The comments made in response to the article Archaeological Society Likely To Leave Guildford Following Council’s Notice To Quit confirm my belief that the [full] council has not been consulted. It is essential and a legal requirement that they should be if the Surrey Archaeological Society (SAS) is to be ejected.

I note that the the society is to now be charged for storage of the collection they have made over the years and shared with the museum.

It is unbelievable that public spirited citizens should be treated in this way. The SAS to be charged for storage of artefacts they have willingly shared with the town? This really is Lewis Carroll land. What management!

Surely council officers have not agreed this. Surely this is not the advice being given to the newly appointed councillor? Or is it?

No wonder the museum is in such a mess.

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Responses to Letter: No Wonder The Museum Is In Such A Mess

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    August 13, 2015 at 9:28 am

    Well no matter who pays and who stores, let’s hope the historical remnants of Burpham – the Samian Pot and other artefacts – are not lost into a packing case for disposal at the clear out of unknown and unwanted boxes.

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