Fringe Box



Letter: North Street Road Surface Is A Disaster

Published on: 15 Aug, 2017
Updated on: 15 Aug, 2017

From Ciaran Doran

In response to comments made under the article: No Resurfacing of North Street ‘Obstacle Course’ This Year.

Blow the ‘patience’ on North Street, resurfacing has been promised and promised and never delivered. Nobody can seriously justify the joke that the North Street road surface is at the moment. It’s an embarrassment and it’s downright dangerous.

I travel on North Street regularly, on a sturdy, thick tyre, steel, Dutch bike and I bounce around all over the place. One has to cycle so slowly due to the awful surface cars, and worse still, buses come within inches of my tail so if I come off I’m a cropper.

North Street is a disaster waiting to happen and I feel angry that something probably won’t be done until someone is killed on it.

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