Fringe Box



Letter: There Is Not Much More ‘They’ Can Do To Ruin Ash & Tongham

Published on: 28 Jan, 2018
Updated on: 28 Jan, 2018

From John Ferns

In response to : Ash Aspect: ‘Ash Is Being Used As A Dumping Ground’

I would like to thank David Reading for his very fair and objective report on the mood and substance of the evening.

The fact is, we in Ash have been overwhelmed. On a land area of 2% of Guildford borough, we have been allocated almost 17%* of the borough’s overall housing commitment, second only to the Wisley airfield site.

It was grudgingly agreed that the infrastructure, affecting roads, education, health and other amenities was already stretched but reassurance was given by the borough’s lead councillor for infrastructure that all these deficiencies would be addressed, financed largely by the developers.

What was not stated were the bald facts that plans for 980 dwellings had already been approved and were underway, another 247 were in the planning process, whilst a further 499 were under appeal/waiting for judgement by a planning inspector.

Furthermore, all these developments had escaped the CIL or “community infrastructure levy”, having been submitted to planners before the borough’s Local Plan has been approved, leaving just 134 dwellings on which a CIL levy might be applied.

Do we think our infrastructure needs will be met? Frankly no. The infrastructure is barely adequate now and can only get worse as the houses are built out. The CIL fund is not there and with the pressure that our county council is facing in face of funding shortfalls, there is every likelihood that conditions will get worse.

Very depressing. We are being overwhelmed, swamped, submerged and buried. There is not much more than ‘they’ can do to ruin Ash and Tongham (for little more space is left) and if the Local Plan fails to get through the examination process, those living in green belt land need to be very scared.

* different figures have been presented by different parties. Please see: Development Concerns in Ash Increase As Various Impact Figures Are Put Forward

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