Fringe Box



Letter: Oh What Larks!

Published on: 7 Feb, 2013
Updated on: 7 Feb, 2013
emails letterFrom Bernard Parke
Hon Alderman
The morning was bright and sunny and most welcomed after the cold north wind of yesterday.
It was really  quite pleasant to walk on the Mount Field off Green Lane.
My wife and I were astonished to hear and see skylarks, with their noticeable singing, flying high in the sky.
This is, of course, very early for these small birds, and let us hope that they will stay with us well after their nesting time on such an exposed area where so many dog walkers take their daily exercise.
I don’t know who is responsible at the Borough Council for the protection of such wild life now but I hope they are advised accordingly.
It has been the custom in the past  for the park department to erect advisory notices of the birds activities at the entrances to this field area.

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