From Anna-Marie Davies
In response to: GBC Executive Shock as GGG’s Susan Parker Resigns Over ‘Conduct’ Claim
By offering Executive seats to R4GV and GGG, Cllr Reeves paved the way to have Tories in the chairs of Overview & Scrutiny and Planning, whilst relinquishing some Executive power in name alone, a Thatcher tactic best known as, “Better to have them inside the tent…”.
The collaboration between the Tories and the Lib Dems is plain to see, and has been since the election for Leader. Rather than becoming disheartened by this turn of events, it is good to remember that with just one more independent candidate elected at the next election both of these self-interested parties, the Conservatives and Lib Dems, can be consigned to the history books.
R4GV [Residents for Guildford and Villages] Executive members should consider their position closely. There will most likely be a by-election before the council is out, one that would be most interesting indeed.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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John Perkins
August 28, 2019 at 4:14 pm
Rather than wait for a by-election, the issue could be forced by the simple expedient of GGG members joining the R4GV group or a newly-formed group of both parties.
With 20 members it would be the largest group.
The Lib Dems only defence would be to form a group with the Conservatives, though some members might disapprove of that.
Alternatively, the Lib Dems could pick a new leader, someone less compromised by her association with the old council.