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Letter: Perfect Plants Thanks to Dragon Info

Published on: 6 Apr, 2020
Updated on: 6 Apr, 2020

From: Fiona Yeomans

In response to: Covid-19 Shutdown Inflicts A Bitter Harvest On Guildford’s Garden Nurseries

Just to say Perfect Choice delivered some great plants to us today and I made a point of letting them know that we heard about them through The Dragon.

I gather they are getting as many orders as they can keep up with right now, which is good to hear.  We received ours in less than 24 hours (on a Sunday – they are working flat out).  They’ll need customers to keep buying right through this current lockdown period. [website currently down (pm April 6) for inventory and re-stocking work].

The Dragon is doing a great job letting the local community know about these businesses under threat, which we can support by ordering deliveries.

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