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Letter: Perhaps the Labour Chairman Should Work More Closely with Labour Councillors?

Published on: 17 Oct, 2017
Updated on: 17 Oct, 2017

George Dokimakis

From Caroline Reeves

In response to: Opinion – We Need to Stop Talking About Dongying

I suggest that George Dokimakis [chairman Guildford Labour] should make a better job of his homework. A detailed Task and Finish group report on air quality which highlighted a number of issues has been followed up with a working group that continues to press for better monitoring of our air quality and will report back in January.

The Task and Finish group report on “policing in your area” also led to the formation of a working group that continues to evaluate the impact of the changes to policing in Guildford.

The current Task and Finish Group on food poverty in the borough will be reporting back early next year, as will be the group working on resident parking issues in the town centre. Items covering improvements for cyclists and pedestrians, homelessness and the provision in the borough for those with mental health issues, are all on the forward agenda for overview and scrutiny.

As the Labour councillors are on many of these working groups perhaps George should work more closely with his councillors to find out what actually goes on at Millmead?

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Responses to Letter: Perhaps the Labour Chairman Should Work More Closely with Labour Councillors?

  1. Bernard Parke Reply

    October 17, 2017 at 2:28 pm

    A good point, however, I wish we all know more of what goes on at Millmead.

    For instance, despite the China Connection being in the offing for some time, why was there no debate until travel was arranged and air tickets had been bought?

    Indeed, it only went to full council a few days before the departure of the delegation, a delegation intending to sign an agreement which would bind us all well into the future.

  2. Jules Cranwell Reply

    October 17, 2017 at 3:59 pm

    We do not need more monitoring of air quality to prove that Guildford’s air is poisonous. We only need to open our mouths and breathe, at least those of us not already crippled by asthma and other breathing conditions.

    How does Cllr Reeves reconcile this with her party’s slavish support for the Tory local plan?

    Right now a planning appeal is ongoing into the proposal to build over 2,000 homes in Ockham Hamlet. We know already that this area has illegal and dangerous levels of Nitrous Oxide, due to the confluence of the A3 and M25. Yet this site is still featured in the Local Plan.

  3. George Dokimakis Reply

    October 18, 2017 at 10:07 am

    I am glad Cllr Reeves is following my recommendation and talking about the things that matter to our fellow residents. Now only for the GBC Executive to follow suit.

    George Dokimakis is chairman of Guildford Labour.

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