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Letter: R4GV Councillors Have No Idea How To Run A Council

Published on: 17 May, 2019
Updated on: 17 May, 2019

Cllrs Joss Bigmore (R4GV) and Caroline Reeves (Lib Dem)

From Helena Townsend

In response to: Lib Dems Secure Leadership Of Borough Council With Tory and Labour Votes

Some have said this was an opportunity to be represented by independent thinking councillors. But they are councillors who have absolutely no idea how to run council, more like.

Hearing RV4G [Residents for Guildford and Villages] members promoting Joss Bigmore – many whom have known him for just weeks – was alarming. I am sure some have good intentions but there are many critics and trouble makers amongst them and it’s very sad we have lost one or two good, hard-working, councillors to make way for individuals who are already failing to deliver.

Cllr Caroline Reeves has a proven track record and was absolutely the right choice. I am sorry I misjudged her when I thought she would backtrack on the Local Plan.

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Responses to Letter: R4GV Councillors Have No Idea How To Run A Council

  1. David Roberts Reply

    May 17, 2019 at 2:39 pm

    If Cllr Reeves really does “backtrack on the Local Plan”, then we have all misjudged her. But promising an “independent review” (whatever that means) falls far short of that. Don’t forget that the Tories promised to protect the green belt!

    Actions speak louder than words, and running a council isn’t rocket science.

  2. John Perkins Reply

    May 17, 2019 at 2:44 pm

    Less than two days after the inaugural meeting and the new councillors are “already failing to deliver” because they “have absolutely no idea how to run a council”. If only those previously in power had been judged as quickly.

  3. Lisa Wright Reply

    May 17, 2019 at 6:12 pm

    Ms Townsend forgets that some of the R4GV councillors do have experience as they were previously associated with major parties, others have been on parish councils.

    We must also remember that many of the leading party councillors have little or no experience of council management until they won their seats.

    In terms of management, I’d have preferred to have someone who has experience of running big budgets and big teams as the leader, especially one with financial background.

  4. Jules Cranwell Reply

    May 17, 2019 at 6:24 pm

    Sometimes new blood is needed. Many of the new intake have vast experience of running large organizations, something that career “double-hatters” often lack. Others have youth on their side, so bring a fresh perspective.

    Let’s face it, they could not possibly do as bad a job, or do more damage, but than the outgoing Tories.

    Experience of flawed policies and behaviours would not appear to me to have many advantages.

  5. Wayne Smith Reply

    May 17, 2019 at 8:54 pm

    Helena Townsend asserts that there are “individuals who are already failing to deliver”. Perhaps she would care to name names and explain to us all how they have failed so spectacularly after just a couple of days?

    In the meantime, they have my full confidence and I’m looking forward to seeing the new council Executive working collaboratively and soliciting input from all councillors, not just the chosen few.

  6. Adam Aaronson Reply

    May 18, 2019 at 9:40 pm

    The Local Government Association “Be a Councillor” website

    invited local councils to support their initiative and GBC’s version


    “Guildford Borough Council can only be as effective, relevant and vibrant as the people elected to run it. The council needs councillors who are capable, energetic and engaged, with a commitment to local people and a passion for change.”

    It seems to me that the R4GV councillors more than adequately fulfil those criteria.

  7. Valerie Thompson Reply

    May 19, 2019 at 4:19 pm

    Caroline Reeves’ track record was, at times, to blindly follow the Conservatives’ “trajectory”.

    Many local people are delighted to see the rejection of some of the old school councillors, who were hell-bent on destroying our countryside.

    How refreshing it would have been to see new faces actually running the Council. I’m sure Joss Bigmore would have risen admirably to the challenge.

  8. Helena Townsend Reply

    May 19, 2019 at 4:56 pm

    The R4GV made election promises that they would overturn the local plan – not sure how this was possible? This was clearly an attempt to get votes. I’m pleased none of them has secured a position on the Executive.

    Editor’s note: This comment was submitted before the announcement of the new GBC Executive.

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