Fringe Box



Letter: Station Development Will Be a Nightmare for the Disabled and the Elderly

Published on: 26 Oct, 2019
Updated on: 26 Oct, 2019

Gemma Roulston

In response to: Work to Start on ‘Blot on the Landscape’ Station Redevelopment Despite Concerns

This development will be an absolute nightmare for disabled people. There is no improvement for us or the elderly.

I raised numerous issues but to no avail. Solum’s solicitor complained that the Guildford Access Group raised access issues, when the council hadn’t. But we are separate from the council.

Disabled people and the elderly have been ignored by Solum who came to our meetings but gave the impression that they knew more about access than a qualified access auditor and some others who have lived experience of disability.

The gates inside the hall are going to be too close to the ramp from platform 2 to 3-8.

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Responses to Letter: Station Development Will Be a Nightmare for the Disabled and the Elderly

  1. Marilyn Strange Reply

    October 26, 2019 at 3:01 pm

    What a hideous looking building this is. Disabled and elderly seem to be treated like second class citizens, just when they should have their needs understood. From the Post Office now located up the cobbled hill High Street to this new station, transport is being made more difficult for them.

    Very sad and annoyed.

  2. Sue Warner Reply

    October 26, 2019 at 5:14 pm

    It will be a nightmare for everyone. A horrendous eyesore for everyone. The only beneficiary will be GBC who are gaining financially There are no benefits to anyone else.

    Editor’s note: A full council meeting of GBC unanimously rejected the planning application. It was only granted planning permission on appeal by a planning inspector.

  3. Kevin Dewey Reply

    October 27, 2019 at 7:21 pm

    Are we really going to allow this “monstrous carbuncle” to be imposed upon us by some faceless civil servant? This scheme fails on so many counts. Please GBC fight it.

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