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Letter: Support for Station Development Has Been Underestimated

Published on: 9 Nov, 2017
Updated on: 9 Nov, 2017

From Helena Townsend

In response to: Guildford Station – Planning Enquiry Into ‘Juggernaut’ Development Commences

I think people underestimate how much support there actually is for this development. Most people I speak to love the modern design, the fact that the whole area will be more vibrant and applaud the use of a brownfield site for housing.

This scheme represents a massive investment in our town – I doubt Solum will hang around if they lose the appeal which is likely to mean no investment at all and the existing station remaining as it is for decades to come. Solum will then go and spend their money elsewhere, a town or city that wants to move forward.

Guildford is fast becoming known as a town that doesn’t want to do business. It was the same with Waitrose, which fortunately got through in the end .

Some really baffling views from people, many who aren’t qualified. We saw the architect advisor yesterday being criticised for having absolutely no knowledge or experience in station design yet the critic felt he was best placed to comment.

And views to the cathedral – do the objectors think this is St Paul’s in London?

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Responses to Letter: Support for Station Development Has Been Underestimated

  1. Colin Cross Reply

    November 9, 2017 at 6:50 pm

    What we do not need is our elected council leaders walking out on meetings with Solum and having a hissy fit because things are not as they want.

    There is the basis of a reasonable solution on the table so we have to insist that our leadership cut out the histrionics and get down to some hard, hopefully successful, negotiations that finally lead to something not a million miles from that on offer now.

    Colin Cross is the Lib Dem borough councillor for Lovelace

  2. Pete Knight Reply

    November 9, 2017 at 7:26 pm

    I have to say in part I agree with Ms Townsend. I use the station daily and the proposed re-development would massively improve the current environment and give the station and town some profile. It also alleviates pressure of building on the green belt by providing much needed housing.

    Guildford is an important commuter town – we need to improve our station and the council have had years to try and agree something with Solum. It seems Solum have done as much as they can by amending their scheme time and time again to appease the council.

    This area along with Bedford Road is quite frankly an embarrassment and I am ashamed when friends visit from London. The first impressions they get of Guildford are pretty poor. We need to move forward and as Ms Townsend suggests – we have a company trying to invest here lets not turn our back on investment and let Solum go elsewhere, all so we can see the cathedral from the castle. It’s madness.

    Also I agree, of those I speak to and mainly people like me who are 25 – 35 the scheme is supported and I personally hope its approved.

    Is it any surprise Guildford Society and GVG don’t like it. I mean have they supported any development ever in the town?

  3. Eddie Ward Reply

    November 14, 2017 at 4:55 pm

    Is there any actual re-development of the station in this plan, or is it just flats being built?

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