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Letter: Thank You Dragon For Keeping Us Informed

Published on: 15 Apr, 2020
Updated on: 15 Apr, 2020

From Julie Howarth

I just wanted to thank The Dragon NEWS team for all you are doing to keep the community informed.

It is certainly the place to go to get well-informed local facts and figures in a clear, unbiased and grounded way without sensationalism, much appreciated in these difficult times.

Going on to other local and national news sites drags you into unhelpful material that just adds to anxiety.

Your interviews are very helpful. And, as a bonus, we are still treated to local history. The St Catherine’s hermit’s cave and tunnel collapse articles are particularly interesting. Keep them coming. Are there any virtual history events around? (Ed. Possibly. Please watch this space.)

Your sharing of the Castle Grounds spring display cheered me up. We walked through on our way to shop last week. Stunning.

There are residents who have a little bit of of the Castle Grounds display in their own gardens during this shut-down. No, they haven’t stolen it.  Readers may remember “Tulip-gate” last year when there was great interest in the invite by Guildford Borough Council to take away the spent tulips and there weren’t enough to meet demand?

Guildford Castle tulips

I was one of the lucky ones there with a bag when the grounds staff were digging them up and we have had the good fortune to enjoy them now (photo attached). Interestingly they seem to be flowering five weeks earlier this year. I brought my bag of still-flowering bulbs home on May 13 last year.

Thank you GBC, and thanks again to The Dragon.

Editor responds: Thank you for taking the time to write in. Very much appreciated.

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Responses to Letter: Thank You Dragon For Keeping Us Informed

  1. Beverley Healing Reply

    April 15, 2020 at 6:08 pm

    I would also like to echo Julie’s comments about The Dragon Team and very much enjoyed my walk through the Castle Gardens today having seen the colourful display on video. We need things like this to cheer us up.

  2. David Wragg Reply

    April 16, 2020 at 12:54 pm

    The Dragon team do an excellent job. My wife and I have been away from Guildford to more than thirty years, although visiting family frequently throughout that period.

    We used to be regular purchasers and readers of the Surrey Advertiser, but on returning, no doubt due to falling sales and the loss of property advertising, we found the newspaper very disappointing, it contained very little about Guildford. This must because too many other titles have been merged into it, diluting its coverage.

    Time to give the Surrey Advertiser a decent burial.

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