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Letter: The North Street Scheme Will Be a Disaster for Guildford

Published on: 17 Aug, 2023
Updated on: 17 Aug, 2023

A CGI of how the proposed North Street development would look.

From: Roger Kendall

In response to: If It Were Up to Me I Would Approve the North Street Application

Guildford has waited for this site to be redeveloped for years. Some parts have been derelict since 1972. Waiting a couple more years to get it finally right is worth it. Otherwise, it will be a disaster for Guildford.

The new scheme is too high and will overshadow the surrounding buildings. It has 40,000 square feet of workshop or retail space with no parking. Any units will remain boarded up for years. We have plenty of shops empty elsewhere. And it is very ugly.

The production of building materials produces considerable greenhouse gasses, as does construction itself, so property needs to be designed to last for years and appeal to future generations.

Many towns are blighted by the designs of the sixties and seventies. They looked bright and modern at the time but within ten years were seen as a blot on the landscape.

Traditional flats with the charm, elegance of the smarter parts of London such as Mayfair, including ground floor flats behind smart railings are needed.

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Responses to Letter: The North Street Scheme Will Be a Disaster for Guildford

  1. Bill Stokoe Reply

    August 17, 2023 at 12:06 pm

    “Traditional flats with the charm, elegance of the smarter parts of London such as Mayfair, including ground floor flats behind smart railings are needed.”

    And not forgetting the servants’ entrance.

    Bill Stokoe is the chair of the Guildford Vision Group

  2. Margaret Mitchell Reply

    August 18, 2023 at 2:19 pm

    No town should have buildings higher than fire engines can reach. Even with sprinkle systems they are at risk.

    And lower buildings look better.

  3. Valerie Thompson Reply

    August 18, 2023 at 2:25 pm

    Good design does not have to be overly expensive. Neither does it have to be boring and outdated. Mr Stokoe’s snide remark about servants’ entrances is not justified.

    Developers should take into consideration existing, nearby building styles and in Guildford they would not have to look far to see interesting and varied styles.

    This development looks similar to the bland designs of the 60s and 70s and as Mr Kendall notes, is far too high to balance surrounding developments.

  4. Keith Parkins Reply

    August 18, 2023 at 2:44 pm

    No way should this project go ahead. It will be an eyesore on an ancient market town.

    It should be rejected by GBC’s Planning Committee.

    It needs a complete rethink. No retail units, only three stories high.

    Why does Guildford need more empty retail units?

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