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Letter: The Proposed Guildford-Godalming Off-road Route Should Attract SCC Investment

Published on: 31 Jul, 2020
Updated on: 31 Jul, 2020

From Nigel Burke

In response to: SCC Awarded £848,000 to Increase Cycling and Walking But Little’s Being Done

The “Guildford Godalming Greenway” would be an excellent project to fund. It was endorsed by the GBC/SCC Joint Committee in June 2018.

A key section is Dagley Lane, the rough track between Shalford Park and Shalford, and in 2018, GBC commissioned a study into resurfacing this and removing some steps, so detailed design documentation should be available. It would allow active travellers to avoid the busy and dangerous A281.

It’s supported by councillors, local residents and being entirely off-road should not encounter the opposition that seems inevitable with on-road schemes.

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Responses to Letter: The Proposed Guildford-Godalming Off-road Route Should Attract SCC Investment

  1. A W Derbyshire Reply

    July 31, 2020 at 11:45 am

    Lets reopen the Guildford Cranleigh rail line as well.

    • Keith Francis Reply

      July 31, 2020 at 10:34 pm

      Unfortunately isn’t there a supermarket built over it in Cranleigh?

  2. David Middleton Reply

    July 31, 2020 at 11:52 am

    Yes, some improvement to the surface of this route would be good. I’ve always wondered at the logic of having a set of rather poorly maintained steps on a designated National Cycle Route.

    Perhaps they’re intended for bicycles with square wheels?

  3. Ramsey Nagaty Reply

    July 31, 2020 at 3:58 pm

    We thoroughly support safe cycling routes.

    This project should attract SCC support and utilisation of government funds allocated to SCC for cycle schemes.

    Cllr Matt Furniss [Con, Shalford] of SCC is actively assessing this project. We hope that a quick outcome delivers safer cycle routes between Godalming, Shalford and Guildford.

    Ramsey Nagaty is the GGG borough councillor for Shalford and the GGG leader.

  4. Simon Schultz Reply

    July 31, 2020 at 5:47 pm

    I strongly support the use of funds for the Guildford-Godalming Greenway. It is a key route that would, if surfaced appropriately, allow a wide range of people (aged from 8 to 80) to go safely between Guildford and Godalming, and on an extremely pleasant route as well, a route likely to attract additional tourism without causing extra congestion. But at present, the route is rutted and generally unsuitable for substantial use.

    Given the proximity to the delightful Downs Link, which attracts families from far afield (, we could have a network of safe off-road paths allowing people of all ages to cycle between local points of interest. One could imagine in the future linking it up further – for instance, to reach Loseley Park and Watts Gallery.

  5. Nigel Burke Reply

    July 31, 2020 at 6:32 pm

    I agree with Simon Schultz. I would also link, via the Downs Link, to Bramley and the new Dunsfold development. And I believe quite a few Shalford commuters use it in the summer to cycle to Guildford station, but at other times it’s too muddy.

    And in reply to Cllr Nagaty, I have emailed Cllr Furniss about this. It isood to hear he is considering it. I believe bids for Tranche 2 of the Emergency Active Travel Fund must be in by August 7: potentially about £6.8 million on offer for Surrey, and this project would ideally fit the terms of reference, as I understand them.

  6. Jane Hepburn Reply

    July 31, 2020 at 11:55 pm

    We’d also love to see a cycleway beside the A320 from Guildford to Woking. This is such an obvious route and would enable commuters and those wanting to pop into Woking to do so. The track is actually there so wouldn’t need a lot of extra investment.

    Another route that could be developed without too much expense would be the section of the A25 from Shere up to Newlands Corner. There is an overgrown pedestrian path of sorts until about halfway and then an obvious track through the woods. This could be earmarked for development given the dangerous nature of the road and the large number of cyclists that labour, much to the annoyance of cars, up that hill.

    • Dave Middleton Reply

      August 1, 2020 at 4:52 pm

      I suggested a proper cycleway between Woking and Guildford along the A320 to Cllr Matt Furniss some months ago, suggesting that GBC, WBC and SCC all collaborate on it and share the expense. After all, I’m sure that there are lots of folk who live in Woking and work in Guildford and vice-versa, who would be very happy to use it, plus of course shoppers and other folk wanting to visit the two town’s entertainments.

      As it stands, one has the option of taking one’s life in one’s hands on a fast and in some places, very narrow road, or breaking the Law by cycling on a very poorly maintained and frankly, virtually unused, footway.

  7. Martyn Sandford Reply

    August 4, 2020 at 8:59 am

    There are: four rail stations; five shopping areas; at least a dozen schools; and a population of over 30,000 living within half a mile of the Guildford Godalming Greenway route, in addition to everything in Guildford.

  8. Tony Evans Reply

    January 27, 2024 at 10:32 am

    Well who knew? Yet another massive waste of taxpayer’s money, project never finished. Just another SCC/GBC utter disgrace.

  9. jim allen Reply

    January 27, 2024 at 3:12 pm

    Has anyone noticed these comments which all say “I support ‘existing’ cycle route improvement with the hidden subtitle ‘indicating no detriment to other road users’.

    Holiday makers and summer riders, which is where I personally commented back in days of yore!

    So lets get some “Community Cohesivenness going” all pull in the same direction and get these already available off main road cycle routes, away from pollution, Cleaned up maintained / resurfaced releveled / de-mudded, for everyones use, enjoyment and peace of mind.

    Financially it makes far more sense than setting out to offend and delay all main road users.

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