From R Connor
Having attended part of tonight’s meeting, it is clear that certain councillors are starting to behave like mini-despots.
Members of the public without a “white ticket” were herded into the opposite room to watch the proceedings on a screen. In the room one of the security team said that “no standing is allowed” so when the chairs were all taken, it was deemed the room was full.
A few extra chairs were reluctantly produced. When we left, it was somewhat aggressively announced that we had to our “raffle” ticket or “you won’t be let back in”. There was a definite feeling of menace, what on earth did they think we were going to do? It seemed to be a rather stupid overreaction by someone.
The way certain councillors are behaving is disgraceful and it seems that we, the residents, will end up paying for the ultimate price for their empire building. Shame on those who support them in forthcoming elections.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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RWL Davies
April 27, 2019 at 6:14 am
Such behaviour is not confined to GBC, many councils and councillors regard “the public” as at least an irritant and at most as “the enemy”.
If their integrity and competence matched their self-importance and self-regard this might just be tolerable but this is rarely the case.
Private Eye’s “Rotten Boroughs” is useful reading; GBC Has been a “contributor” on more than one occasion.