Fringe Box



Letter: There Is a Way to Counter Car Pollution and Allow Birdsong

Published on: 27 Mar, 2019
Updated on: 27 Mar, 2019

From Jules Cranwell

In response to: Fines Loom for Idling Your Engine Outside a School and Where There Was Once Birdsong There is Now Just Traffic Noise

There is an eleventh way: don’t build 13,000 new homes, mostly on green belt, attracting up to 50,000 more cars commuting into, and through, Guildford. This would have a greater impact than the ten above combined.

As for the loss of birdsong, this is what the whole of the borough has to look forward to if the GBC Executive persists with its ruinous Local Plan.

No more birdsong anywhere, just even worse traffic and unbreathable pollution, from the thousands of additional cars commuting into and through Guildford from their “garden village” at Wisley, and developments at Gosden Hill and Blackwell farm.

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Responses to Letter: There Is a Way to Counter Car Pollution and Allow Birdsong

  1. Beverley Mussell Reply

    March 28, 2019 at 9:01 am

    Totally agree.

    Why the endless cry “more houses” when no answer is being presented to deal with the already – as in – now dangerous levels of pollution and no answer to traffic congestion.

    Why do we have so many people in Guildford who have never smoked but have COPD [Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease] and lung cancer?

    What is the point of building houses for people so they can join us in living in a poisonous atmosphere of pollutants?

    Jobs? Can you get there on time? Unlikely!

    What was the point of consulting local residents about the local plan only to ignore everything contributed?

    Huge amounts of money wasted on expensive window dressing and expensive useless “consultants”!

    Is this really democracy?

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