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Letter: There Is No Evidence Planning Committee Reforms Have Improved Effectiveness

Published on: 17 Nov, 2018
Updated on: 16 Nov, 2018

From Gordon Bridger

hon alderman and former Mayor of Guildford

In response to: Guildford’s Planning Committee is Not Democratically Accountable

Nils Christiansen has been deselected by the Conservative party and sadly is not standing again. He has been a conscientious and concerned local councillor as this important critique confirms.

The “reforms” introduced making the Planning Committee smaller and making call-in more difficult, should have been resisted by councillors from all parties. There is no evidence of more effective but there is a loss of effective democratic governance.

We are being ill-served by our political system not only at a national level  but also at our council level.

The time has never been more opportune for residents to stand as Independents to represent their wards and Guildford in the coming elections.

Meanwhile, thanks to Nils for representing the ward.

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