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Letter: These Actions Reinforce the View That Everything is Controlled By Central Government

Published on: 19 Sep, 2023
Updated on: 19 Sep, 2023

Levelling up Secretary Michael Gove MP

From: Mark Stamp

In response to: Michael Gove Intervenes on Spelthorne Local Plan

It’s amazing that Michael Gove’s department seems intent on interfering with individual decisions of councils but not doing anything about the gaping holes in the local authority funding, millions of people missing from the electoral register or the need for updating planning rules and infrastructure to cope with the changing climate.

In the last few months, Michael Gove has tried to interfere with the North Street decision, tried to stop South Cambridgeshire saving money by trialling a four-day week and is now trying to overrule councillors in Spelthorne.

All of these actions reinforce what candidates of all parties were saying at the recent election that actually they have very little power and everything is controlled by central government.

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