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Letter: I Think The Recycling & Waste Drop-Off System Works Well

Published on: 22 Sep, 2017
Updated on: 22 Sep, 2017

From Paul Bishop

I find the recycling and waste drop-off system at Slyfield actually works quite well.

I frequently, pre-barrier attendant, used to sit in queues because people wanted to wait for a parking space near their chosen location to become free, whilst there were many free spaces already. It seems the attendants are actually managing to get people through quicker.

On the side of the charging, I have disposed of many things over the last few months and never once been charged. The limits are well defined and it will only affect you if you’re doing serious house renovations, in which case, you should stop being cheap and get a skip.

You should not expect the rest of Guildford’s residents to subsidise your home improvements.

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Responses to Letter: I Think The Recycling & Waste Drop-Off System Works Well

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    September 23, 2017 at 12:04 am

    The reason there is no queuing is because people are put off by the thought that they might have to pay. I now put our large waste, broken up, into the refuse bin in small amounts (it goes to the same place in any respect).

    As for finding the right slot this still occurs. Others, like me, are not going to carry waste the length of the row of bins to put it in a specific one, just to park up quicker.

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