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Letter: This Whole Sorry Episode Smacks of Unfairness

Published on: 4 Mar, 2019
Updated on: 4 Mar, 2019

Sir Paul Beresford MP and Cllr Paul Spooner

From James Walsh

Labour borough councillor for Stoke

In response to: Council Leader Answers Questions on Any Links to Russian Wisley Investors

Following the latest missive about this in The Dragon, I wonder if Sir Paul has ever justified or withdrawn his comments about Cllr Spooner?

Pretty outrageous if not – if someone had said the same or similar about me in Parliament – without any evidence – I would feel a heavy pall over me for quite some time.

Paul and I are from different sides of the political fence but, as a good judge of character, I know him to be a decent man regardless of our politics.

I hate unfairness of all kinds, and this whole sorry episode smacks of an unfairness that needs to be rectified as soon as possible.

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Responses to Letter: This Whole Sorry Episode Smacks of Unfairness

  1. Gordon Jackson Reply

    March 4, 2019 at 10:12 pm

    Well said James. There are times when politics should take a back seat and this totally unwarranted smear campaign only belittles the people responsible.

    Gordon Jackson is the Conservative borough councillor for Pirbright.

  2. David Roberts Reply

    March 7, 2019 at 11:01 am

    I resent the innuendo that, by going to considerable effort (with letters to The Dragon and an FOI request) to extract the truth on this issue, ordinary residents like me are in some way mounting a “smear campaign”. Sir Paul Beresford may or may not have misspoken in Parliament, but what evidence is there of any sort of campaign? This is either paranoia or sanctimonious hyperbole. In any case, why can’t our council leader speak for himself?

    While I have taken the trouble to make public Cllr Spooner’s only clear statement on the issue, he has publicly described my selfless curiosity as an “unsavoury” slur on his reputation. Again, why so prickly? Russian interference in our property market is a legitimate subject of public interest and enquiry.

    Is this inward-looking, self-protective cosying-up how the Conservative and Labour parties plan to win over our votes in May?

    Excuse me if I vote for someone else.

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