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Letter: Traffic in Central Guildford Is Nothing Compared to Burpham’s Problems

Published on: 20 Aug, 2017
Updated on: 21 Aug, 2017

A motorist pays to park in North Street

From Jim Allen

In response to: More Measures Required to Decrease Town Centre Car Use

If the buses went to the trains at Guildford station that would remove some of the commuter partners driving them there.

Reduce the number of taxis clogging the station entrance and have them arrive from the opposite direction so you don’t have to walk the full length of the taxi rank to get the furthest one away (just who came up with that idea?).

As for a Park & Ride north of Guildford – as the only thing currently on offer, I agree. But if it is built there will be over 1,000 additional cars entering Burpham heading south, to go north, in the evening rush, which is totally unacceptable.

Burpham is currently in its 20th day of a clogged, overloaded sewer – 1,000,000 plus gallons pumped out! Traffic in central Guildford is as nothing to the problems of Burpham the Local Plan wishes to force upon us.

Some rationality would be greatly appreciated when people make suggestions.

Like, for example, accepting that if you insist on excessively high housing numbers there will be problems with additional cars, additional air pollution, and over stressed sewers.

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Responses to Letter: Traffic in Central Guildford Is Nothing Compared to Burpham’s Problems

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    August 22, 2017 at 9:06 am

    Interesting to note, that no one has come back and commented – or challenged these statements even to express concern about the main sewer line ‘collapse’. We are now in the 23rd day of the problem and still no sign of a proper fix.

    Does anyone know if a 4,000-gallon tanker needs temporary planning permission if it’s on site for more than 20 days?

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