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Letter: Unitary Authority? We Have Been Here Before

Published on: 10 Jul, 2020
Updated on: 10 Jul, 2020

From Fiona Yeomans

In response to: Surrey County Council Faces Battle in Bid to Scrap Borough and District Councils

We have been here before. Last time local residents were consulted on a plan to merge all the Boroughs into one unitary authority the information sent out included less than persuasive statistics on how much money would be saved in the process, no doubt very much open to debate.

If I recall correctly, the payback period was 18 years  – not a very good deal?


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Responses to Letter: Unitary Authority? We Have Been Here Before

  1. Ian Stronge Reply

    July 10, 2020 at 6:43 pm

    The proposals have nothing to do with money and everything to do with bargaining power, bargaining with central government to win funding for local needs.

    Except that, so long as Surrey remains majority Tory, a Tory government can treat Surrey Council much as it did Anne Milton, Guildford’s former Tory MP.

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