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Letter: Walnut Tree Close Proposal Out of Scale

Published on: 24 Oct, 2017
Updated on: 24 Oct, 2017

From David Smith

In response to: Public Consultation for Walnut Tree Close Planning Proposal

Whilst I support the idea of residential on this site, I have to question whether the developer has even engaged with GBC’s planners on what might be acceptable.

It looks as though the minimum height of the proposed blocks is five stories with the tower extending to a full ten stories. This height is completely inappropriate for the area and inconsistent with the recent Barratt Homes scheme (King Edward Court) which has a maximum of four stories and the adjacent Bellway scheme which when completed will be four.

The current proposal will not only be harmful to Walnut Tree Close itself but also the Dapdune Wharf National Trust site setting.

The density and height are so excessive that you have to question whether the developer is playing a game or just wasting everyone’s time.

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Responses to Letter: Walnut Tree Close Proposal Out of Scale

  1. C Barker Reply

    October 24, 2017 at 3:47 pm

    Building up seems to be the only option, given the lack of brownfield sites and the town being surrounded by green belt land.

  2. Sue Warner Reply

    October 24, 2017 at 9:18 pm

    The trouble is, the council doesn’t think the proposed buildings will be visible (or more likely don’t care).

    When there was a consultation over the Park & Ride site in Guildford Park Road they pooh-poohed my opinion and said I wouldn’t be able to see it – but I will be able to.

    I can see all the white and coloured buildings in Woodbridge Meadows. If you stand at the end of Leas Road at the junction with Woodbridge Road the white buildings stand out like a sore thumb.

  3. Gordon Bridger Reply

    October 25, 2017 at 9:05 am

    Of course, in the the town we can and should take far more housing – instead of retail, but it must be in scale and in character with the town centre.

    Guildford needs to retain its unique historic features which are important not only historically and aesthetically but economically as well. Why should anyone come to Guildford if it just copies Woking or Croydon?

    • John Robson Reply

      October 25, 2017 at 2:16 pm

      What price aesthetics over much needed “affordable” housing?

      Isn’t the “scale and character” a birds and bees type argument?

      Mr Bridger champions the university proposal to demolish the green belt by an area of outstanding natural beauty, yet protests at the town’s urban area being asked to take a little (in comparison to the housing numbers being proposed for the green belt) prime housing stock.

  4. David Smith Reply

    October 26, 2017 at 12:36 pm

    Having attended the consultation I’d like to confirm that this site will provide zero affordable rental apartments. Instead, the developer is seeking to make a contribution to off-site affordable homes. This money is likely to sit in a big pot doing nothing as Guildford Borough Council are the only ones able to realise it and they’ll need a site to do so.

    The apartments will be at Market Rent – already unaffordable to many people and so I think its fair to say this development will contribute absolutely nothing to Guildford’s housing need.

    Further, it will completely block out a massive section of the river which is something we should be trying to prevent.

    Probably one of the worst proposals I have seen in recent years.

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