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Letter: We Should Not Throw Good Money After Bad

Published on: 17 Jun, 2020
Updated on: 17 Jun, 2020
From Chris Ogle
We are surely in a mad world where we are spending £450k that we don’t want to spend because it would otherwise cost £1.5 million.
Is this world quite so mad that we cannot go to the LEP [Local Enterprise Partnership] and tell them the problem? Or would they prefer that we go ahead and throw more good money after bad? I have tried to make this case to the council a year ago but I was shouted down.
It is now even more obvious that this is a vanity project and always was. Is it actually still suitable now in a time when pedestrians and cyclists need to be further apart? It is very interesting the Lib Dems seem to accept this is a bridge we don’t want, a bridge too far if you like. It wasn’t what they were saying a year ago.
I also question whether there is “only” £450k left to spend. Does this mean the contractors have already been paid the rest? Sounds doubtful to me, in which case we could be talking about not spending a lot more than this.
If, on the other hand, we are actually saying more than £4 million has already been spent there needs to be an official inquiry.

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Responses to Letter: We Should Not Throw Good Money After Bad

  1. Jules Cranwell Reply

    June 18, 2020 at 9:00 am

    The Lib Dems have u-turned on so many things. They campaigned to fix the Local Plan, then carried on with the odious Tory plan unchanged.

    We can rely on GBC to ensure we have the worst possible outcome on this matter.

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