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Letter: What Cranleigh Really Needs is a Restored Railway Link

Published on: 29 Aug, 2024
Updated on: 29 Aug, 2024

Stocklund Square (Waverley Borough Council)

From Ben Darnton

In response to: ‘Long Overdue’ Facelift for 1960s Cranleigh Village Square

As a former Cranleigh resident I’m glad to see the planned rejuvenation of a rather underwelming space in the centre of England’s largest village.

With all the new housing going up in recent years it’s good to see residents will have more reasons to stay local.

However what would really benefit Cranleigh and surrounding villages is the reopening of the railway link to Guildford, especially as 1,600 new homes are soon to built at the Dunsfold Park.

It’s a shame the new Labour Government have shelved the funding to reopen local lines that were closed in the 1960s.

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Responses to Letter: What Cranleigh Really Needs is a Restored Railway Link

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    August 29, 2024 at 1:15 pm

    The last time this question was raised they held a poll/questionnaire on the subject yet strangely it never reached the people of Cranleigh. I know this because 25 years ago we lived on the common and when the results were announced the talk in the village was, “What survey?”

    I guess considering the cycle path survey Burpham of 2020 and now the bus use survey transportation surveys at SCC are of the “don’t ask either locals or potential users” kind. We know the answer we want, so who should we ask?”

    Oh for open, honest government!

  2. Olly Azad Reply

    August 29, 2024 at 3:39 pm

    I can imagine that many residents of Cranleigh would share the same sentiments expressed by Ben Darnton. Although I myself am not a village resident I do however make weekly visits in the area as a matter of course.

    As much as it would be nice to see a rather tired and drab looking Stockland Square being given a new lease of life with a new cafeteria and meeting hub, however, it would be much more fitting if Cranleigh Railway Station was reinstated again.

    Back in 2009 when the last report was compiled of the feasibility of reopening the Guildford – Bramley – Cranleigh section of line, it pointed to the fact that the benefits would outweigh costs and yet Waverley Borough Council has failed to act upon it.

    The reinstatement of “Cranley” or Cranleigh Railway Station could be ‘just what the doctor ordered’ for England’s largest village.

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