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Letter: What Has the NHS to Say About the Pharmacy Provision in Merrow?

Published on: 21 Jan, 2024
Updated on: 23 Jan, 2024

From: Anthony Mallard

In response to: ‘Please Help Merrow Before Somebody Dies’ Writes Resident to MP

I well recall that when the chemist on the Kingpost parade at Burpham was, in all practical terms, forced to close by the opening of a pharmacy in the nearby Sainsburys. It was agreed by whatever the NHS purchasing authority, now the Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board (ICB) was called, that the service would be provided at all times the supermarket was open.

This changed when Lloyds Pharmacy took over but nothing regarding the previous opening hours agreement was apparently done. The supermarket pharmacy has gone and now so has the Boots Pharmacy at Kingfisher Drive in Merrow.

Our MP, Angela Richardson, has done her best but as we have observed in this and other matters, she is virtually powerless.

To conclude, I agree totally with the appreciative comments made about Ms Sherriff and her team but the pressure they must be under can’t be sustainable in the long term and I would think there is a distinct possibility they will buckle under it.

What has the commissioning body, the NHS Surrey Heartlands ICB, got to say?

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Responses to Letter: What Has the NHS to Say About the Pharmacy Provision in Merrow?

  1. Anthony Mallard Reply

    January 22, 2024 at 4:48 pm

    Further to my letter, I have been advised through community contacts that a local pharmacist has applied to open a facility at Kingpost Parade, Burpham but that the application has been rejected by the NHS Heartlands ICB.

    I believe that an appeal has been lodged. Why is this unmet need being obstructed by the commissioning board?

    Editor’s response. We have asked NHS Surrey Heartlands to comment.

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