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Lions And Ewbank’s To Host Charity Antiques Roadshow On April 9

Published on: 20 Mar, 2016
Updated on: 16 Mar, 2016

Members of Guildford Lions have enlisted the help of auctioneers Ewbank’s and Guildford Borough Council to stage a charity antiques roadshow event.

about-guildford-lions-club-logoIt is being held on Saturday, April 9, in the Guildhall, High Street, Guildford from 11am to 4pm.

The Lions are inviting people to take small items (particularly jewellery, watches, gold and silver, and so on) to the Guildhall for verbal valuation by professional valuers from Ewbank’s auctioneers.

They add that larger items will be more difficult as there is no vehicular access to the Guildhall, but Ewbank’s is happy to give value indications from good quality colour photographs.

Participants will be asked to donate a minimum of £1 per item/set valued.

Eric James from Guildford Lions said: “We also hope to sell light refreshments, and possibly run a small “guess the value” competition (or similar) with a prize donated by Ewbank’s.

Ewbank logo“The use of the Guildhall has kindly been donated free of charge by the mayor, and the Ewbank’s team is also giving their time free of charge.

“All profits raised will be split between Guildford Lions and the Mayor of Guildford’s Distress Fund.”

He added that the council and Ewbank’s are combining to help Guildford Lions raise its profile while raising money for local causes and the community.

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