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Local Firm Helps School To Get Olympic Computers Working

Published on: 13 Jun, 2013
Updated on: 13 Jun, 2013
St Thomas pupils with new Olympics pcs installed by Skanska

St Thomas pupils with new Olympics pcs installed by Skanska

A Guildford primary school has doubled its number of computers, thanks to Skanska, one of the world’s leading construction groups, which has offices in Woking.

St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School was awarded 15 computers by the Olympic Delivery Authority for a nominal fee after the Games last year, but could not afford to make them operational.

On hearing this, Skanska sent technicians to the information technology suite and installed the power and data required.


“Each child can fully participate in the lesson,”

This means that all 30 children in a class now work on their own computer  instead of sharing. “Each child can fully participate in the lesson,” says Miss Vikki Merry, Year 2 teacher, “and there has been a noticeable improvement in their computer skills already.”

Headteacher Kevin Gawley adds: “It was very kind of Skanska to arrange for technicians to carry out the cabling and electrical work and without their generous support we would not have been able to finish the project.”

Becki Taylor, Administration and Communications Manager at Skanska, says: “We’re delighted the children can now work from their own computer at St Thomas’s. The project is part of our ongoing commitment to young people along with our Apprentices and Youth Employment schemes. It is also great to see the Olympic legacy continue with redundant equipment being recycled and put to use elsewhere.”

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