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Making A Habit Of Applauding the Vital Help Of Our Emergency Workers

Published on: 3 Apr, 2020
Updated on: 4 Apr, 2020

By Chris Dick

Clapping, cheering and even a cowbell rang out in Effingham at 8 o’clock last night (Thursday, April 2) as residents showed, once again, their support of key workers in the NHS and elsewhere.

Euna Kang’s daughter Layla with food gifts for ambulance crews.

The event is to become a regular fixture across the country and, with British Summer Time introduced, it will now be a daylight tribute.

But that was not the only support. A local ambulance crewman told The Guildford Dragon of another example of the village’s goodwill two days earlier.

Euna Kang, owner of Layla’s Cafe in Effingham (now closed because of Covid-19), prepared and delivered free evening meals for the entire shift at Leatherhead Ambulance Station. She just wanted to do her bit to show support.

Jonathan Murrell Operational Team Leader at South East Coast Ambulance Service, said: “The Ambulance Service, along with the rest of the NHS is seeing an unprecedented demand upon our services and we are dealing with something that is likely to be the toughest challenge our staff will see in their careers.

“The kind gestures that have been given to us all by the public and local businesses, like Layla’s in Effingham have been a wonderful support. The gifts of food in itself is helping us physically fuel through this crisis, but the generosity and support that we have felt through these kind donations have helped all of us to keep our spirits up at tough times.

“Thank you from every single one of us.”



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