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Mayoral Appointment Thrown Into Uncertainty

Published on: 22 Mar, 2012
Updated on: 29 Mar, 2012

Cllr John Garrett

The appointment of a new Mayor for Guildford has been thrown into uncertainty following a decision to stand down by the Mayor designate, Cllr John Garrett.

Cllr Tony Rooth, Leader of the Council said, “Unfortunately the current Deputy Mayor, Cllr John Garrett, has informed us that he is no longer able to take up the role of Mayor of Guildford from May this year. We are now working on the nomination process for a new Mayor for 2012-13. A decision will be made by the Council at their next meeting on 5 April.”

It is understood that Cllr Garrett is currently taking a break from his civic duties. As is normal for a Mayor designate, John Garrett has been carrying out the duties of Deputy Mayor. He was not available to comment.

The position of Mayor of Guildford is filled by a serving councillor. An informal process results in a councillor being nominated initially for the post of deputy mayor at the annual meeting of the Council. They are then normally elected mayor at the annual meeting in the following year. Seniority, willingness to stand and suitability for the role are the three key selection criteria.

Not all senior councillors are able to take up the post because of other personal or professional commitments or because of demands made by their existing roles in the council. The mayoral year runs from May to May.

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Responses to Mayoral Appointment Thrown Into Uncertainty

  1. Bernard Parke

    March 22, 2012 at 4:33 pm

    In view of this uncertainty perhaps the time has now come to consider a democratically elected mayor?

  2. Roger Marjoribanks

    March 25, 2012 at 3:17 pm

    [In reply to Bernard Parke]
    Yes, perfectly feasible BUT remember that such a solution implies a very great change from the way the Council works now. In effect, an elected Mayor will combine the ceremonial functions of the Mayor and the political involvement of the current Leader, – indeed, rather more, and for at least four years; he/she will inevitably be a professional politician, and it is likely that his Cabinet will also have to have that sort of commitment – a very different set-up from the days when you and I were colleagues! I wonder whether that is really what we want; certainly worth a debate!