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New Brexit Leave Initiative Launched in Guildford

Published on: 9 Dec, 2018
Updated on: 11 Dec, 2018

Christian Holliday (centre) with other Leave supporters at the new group launch.

The Guildford & Cranleigh branch of Leavers of Britain launched a new campaign locally last night (Saturday, December 8) as uncertainty on Brexit continues.

The new nationwide initiative is hoping to bring Leave voters and campaigners back together in a new grouping while attracting new members who were not active in the 2016 referendum campaign.

The event attended by around 20 local supporters, including three local Conservative councillors, Christian Holliday (Burpham), Phillip Brooker (Merrow) and Dennis Paul (Holy Trinity), took place at the White House pub by the Town Bridge.

Lucy Harris, the national organiser of Leavers of Britain was also present. After the event, she said: “It’s encouraging to see so many people wanting to get involved to stick up for Brexit. Christian has done a top notch job bringing local people together over a pint, and I’m sure we’ll see more pro-Brexit activities around Guildford in no time.”

Christian Holliday, the Guildford & Cranleigh Branch organiser, added: “I’m really pleased to see that leave voters of all ages and backgrounds in Guildford and Cranleigh remain enthusiastic and committed to seeing the 2016 referendum result implemented.

Some of the younger attendees at the launch.

“It’s especially pleasing to see younger members get involved who were not active in the referendum two years ago, dispelling the myth that Remain has a monopoly on the political views of young people.”

“Leavers of Britain was initially conceived as a social grouping, however, our supporters are increasingly frustrated about the attempts by a small number of Remainers, who never accepted the referendum result in 2016, to overturn our democratic decision to leave. For this reason, Leavers of Britain, including the Guildford & Cranleigh branch, is growing and expanding activities as challenges to our democratic vote for Brexit continue to grow.

“Last night’s launch party demonstrates that support for a full and proper Brexit remains strong in our area and we will continue to campaign for a proper break from the EU.”

Leavers of Britain is now seeking to help other new branches to form around Surrey.

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Responses to New Brexit Leave Initiative Launched in Guildford

  1. Camillia Versey Reply

    December 11, 2018 at 1:52 pm

    I wish Mrs May had more of a backbone and told those in Brussels that if they don’t like the deal then we walk away and mean it.

  2. Colin Cross Reply

    December 11, 2018 at 4:58 pm

    Congratulations to Christian Holliday on getting 20 or so new recruits to attend the inauguration of a local branch of Leavers of Britain.

    One or two things weren’t clear though, when are they leaving and where do they intend going? Presumably not mainland Europe?

    Those Remainers left here will no doubt still live under the threat of being tried for treason.

    Is that still punishable by being hung drawn and quartered or just hanging nowadays?

    Colin Cross is the Independent borough councillor for Lovelace.

    • Jim Allen Reply

      December 11, 2018 at 8:15 pm

      Actually, the act stipulated deportatìon under the Treason Felony Act, not execution, that was a different statute.

  3. Alan Sargeant Reply

    December 11, 2018 at 7:01 pm

    Theresa May never wanted to leave, Thatcher used to say she was “not for turning, you turn if you want too”, unfortunately, May has not listened to that advice and keeps turning. I am so disappointed in this loser of a PM, I can never believe what she says.

    She keeps trying to get this poor EU deal across the line.

    I will never again vote for this shambles of a government if there is a second referendum. Leave means to leave and that must happen.

  4. Ben Stonehouse Reply

    December 13, 2018 at 1:16 pm

    20 people turned up. Sounds about right.

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