Fringe Box



New Feature – Film Reviews

Published on: 12 Mar, 2017
Updated on: 19 Nov, 2017

Another new feature we are pleased to add to our growing coverage is film reviews by Dragon reader Dennis Harvey-Hepherd.

Dennis Harvey-Hepherd

Dennis is retired and lives in Guildford, with time to spare and a love of cinema.

He has created his own website for his film reviews but,  happily for us, has agreed to share them with The Guildford Dragon too.

He says: “My idea is simply to say what I think of a film without giving anything away about the story that is not in the trailer already and to do so in under 100 words.

“I would welcome reader views on both my reviews and their opinions about the same films.

“I use a 1 to 5 grade at the end of each review:

1 = Well that was two hours of my life wasted.

2 = Fine for a wet Sunday afternoon on TV with nothing better to do.

3 = A good story worth the price of admission.

4 = A very good example of the genre and not to be missed if this is your type of thing.

5 = Even if you would not normally go to a film like this, I think it is too good to miss.

“My thanks to for the poster images and where you can find trailers for all the reviewed movies.”

Film reviews can be found in the Stage & Screen Dragon section.

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