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New Police Powers To Combat Outbreak As PCC Munro Urges People To Stay Home

Published on: 26 Mar, 2020
Updated on: 27 Mar, 2020

David Munro

David Munro, Surrey’s Police and Crime Commissioner, is calling on communities to work with police after further restrictive measures to combat Covid-19 were announced this week (March 24). 

Police and local authorities are getting extra powers under new legislation to disperse gatherings and fine those not co-operating.

The PCC has made £500,000 available from his operational reserve for extra police support services and emphasised that residents must stay home to help halt the spread of the virus.

The services provide direct support to some of our most vulnerable residents and victims of crimes such as serious sexual offences, child abuse and domestic abuse. They have adapted how they deliver support, using telephone and video calls for instance, and are still there for anyone who needs help.

Mr Munro said: “These are extraordinary times which will continue to stretch our health and emergency services to the absolute limit to keep us safe from the outbreak.

“I know this is a period of great uncertainty. The disruption to everyday life is unprecedented but absolutely necessary to slow this virus and save lives.

“That is why I would ask everyone to work with us, follow the latest government guidance to the full and stay at home.

“The Surrey Local Resilience Forum (LRF) moved to major incident footing last week and police have been working around the clock with our partner agencies to respond to what has been a rapidly changing situation.

“As you would expect, the police and those other agencies have well-rehearsed contingency and major incident plans. But it is worth reminding everyone that our emergency services, and of course our wonderful health service, are facing significant pressure.

“I would like to thank each and every one of them for the professionalism and selflessness they have shown in such demanding and difficult circumstances.

“Our communities will look to the police to provide a reassuring presence and we will do everything we can to provide that support, particularly to the most vulnerable.

“Surrey Police will continue to be there for you if you need them and keep people safe.”

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