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New Provider Ringway to Revamp Surrey’s Roads

Published on: 27 Apr, 2022
Updated on: 28 Apr, 2022

Surrey County Council (SCC) officially hands over its highways maintenance contract to a new contractor from today, as part of plans to further improve the county’s roads and associated highways infrastructure.

Ringway, who will replace Kier, will carry out road repairs, resurfacing and specialist structural projects as well as the upkeep of drains, winter gritting and snow clearing.

As well as providing vital highway maintenance services across the county, Ringway will implement a wide range of schemes to upgrade Surrey’s road network and, according to SCC, “ensure it is fit for the future”.

Pot holes are an issue regularly raised by voters during council election campaigns.

Work will include a range of projects designed to meet the environmental and digital challenges of future mobility in the county such as the use of electric vehicles, alternative fuels such as hydrogen, more sustainable infrastructure and an enhanced customer experience.

Ringway was awarded the contract in 2021 after demonstrating its commitment to requirements set out by the county council, for example, delivering high-quality repairs that are “right the first time” and good communication with residents both before and after works have been carried out.

The company also met the criteria to support SCC to achieve its ambition for a net-zero Surrey by 2050, due to its environmentally-friendly fleet and materials.

Cllr Matt Furniss

Matt Furniss (Con, Shalford), Surrey County Council’s Cabinet member for Transport and Infrastructure, said: “We are very pleased to be working with Ringway to build on the significant investment we have put into our highways in recent years.

“Ringway will work with SCC to invest £200 million in Surrey’s highways over the next five years to keep Surrey’s roads moving, reduce congestion and to keep residents safe.

“This will include improvements to approximately 350 miles of road and 180 miles of pavements, using environmentally friendly fleet, materials and construction techniques wherever possible.

“We’re also committed to delivering high-quality repairs that provide the best possible quality of service for residents and others who travel through our county.”

Simon Dando, Ringway Service Director, said: “We have been working with the Surrey County Council highways team, and our local partners, to ensure that the transition between contracts is as smooth as possible.

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“On behalf of myself, and my team, we are very much looking forward to getting out on the network and working with communities, to create a highway service we can all be proud of.

“Our main objective is for a seamless transfer of the service – and to then build on that over the coming months to deliver a greener, customer-focused service that keeps Surrey’s roads moving whilst delivering wider benefits for local people and businesses.”

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