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No Covid Deaths at the Royal Surrey Last Week as New Infections Remain in Single Figures

Published on: 8 Jun, 2020
Updated on: 8 Jun, 2020

by Martin Giles

There were no Covid related deaths at the Royal Surrey Hospital last week (seven days ending June 7). This is the first time there have been no pandemic deaths since the first were recorded in March.

And new confirmed infections remain at a very low rate in Guildford Borough. Only three last week compared with four the week before. In Surrey as a whole there 24 new cases were confirmed compared to 22 for the week ending June 1.

NHS data.

Observers are likely to be watching closely to see whether the relaxation of restriction in June and the gathering of crowds on beaches, beauty spots and at demonstrations cause the infection rate to rise again.

The confirmed infection figures (Public Health England) do not include results conducted at the Onslow Park & Ride Covid Test Centre.

A Cambridge University study estimated that the R-rate for the South East was 0.97, very close to the 1 level above which the number of infections will increase.

The latest local statistics come as the Office for National Statistics reports that in the last two weeks of May, only 1 in 1000, or 0.1 per cent of people in England, were estimated to have had Covid-19 compared to the period between April 26 and May 8 when that number was almost 2.5 times higher.

The survey, which didn’t include people in hospitals or care homes and was conducted before restrictions were eased in England on 1 June, also found that people who worked outside the home had 3.5 times higher estimated covid-19 rates than those who worked from home.

Other national surveys carried out by Opinium have found that in mid-May, for the first time, more people disapproved of the government’s handling of the crisis than approved.

They also found that there was increasing anger over the government’s performance, brought to a head by the Dominic Cummings story.

See also:

Local Covid-19 Stats


Official Honesty and Openness in This Crisis Are Vital to Help Us Make Safe Decisions

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Responses to No Covid Deaths at the Royal Surrey Last Week as New Infections Remain in Single Figures

  1. Gordon Bridger Reply

    June 9, 2020 at 6:34 pm

    Congratulations once again for your excellent coverage.

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