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Nothing New Under The Sun?

Published on: 26 Feb, 2012
Updated on: 11 May, 2012

We are all getting used to reading the news on-line.

Is the old adage ‘there’s nothing new under the sun’ really true when it comes to telling the news?

Yes, partly…. Stories, pictures, opinions and facts continue to be gathered, checked and written up as they have been for a couple of hundred years – but the exciting internet revolution we are currently experiencing is making the way and the speed that news is accessible to the reader something that had never been witnessed before.

People now expect to hear and read about news as soon as possible after it has happened, or even while it’s happening. And that has filtered down to the news on our doorsteps.

Printed newspapers covering local areas will probably continue to appear for the foreseeable future – but more and more people are now finding it the norm to switch on their computer or mobile phone, at any given time, to find out what’s in the news where they live.

So, the technology’s in place for up-to-the-minute on-line reporting, but whether it is undertaken and successful or not, still relies on the hours and working times of those gathering and presenting it.

Here at The Guildford Dragon we thoroughly enjoy what we do. So we will endeavour to bring you local news, features, views, pictures and so on, as quick as today’s technology allows.

We won’t pretend to guarantee to report everything that happens, but with a wealth of local knowledge, good contacts, professional standards good will and experience, we aim to deliver the right local stories and features we know you will want to read.

Front page of an edition of The Outlook – a once much-liked local news magazine.

In fact, in some ways we will make The Guildford Dragon News a little like a former popular printed news magazine that once circulated in the Guildford and Godalming area.

It was called The Outlook and was circulated during the 1920s and 30s.

Like The Guildford Dragon News, it was an independent publication that offered a quite different view to what was going on locally. It often took issue with what was happening, while also running interesting off-beat features which the local newspapers at the time appear to have given a wide berth!

The Outlook was a much-liked publication. In the 21st century, it remains a good model for news and feature reporting, and some good things from it can be observed and used today,  but now, of course, in a modern on-line format.

So, perhaps there really is nothing new under the sun – it’s just that it rises in a different way.

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Responses to Nothing New Under The Sun?

  1. David Smith

    April 30, 2012 at 3:38 pm

    Just wanted to say the Guildford Dragon site is great – I use to read Get Surrey, however I find your site much better.

  2. Susan Davies

    June 13, 2012 at 2:08 pm

    I have been reading The Guildford Dragon NEWS for a few weeks now – you provide much more local news than the Surrey Advertiser (which I still buy).